Shipping & Delivery

Estimated Ship Dates
The estimated ship dates shown for each product are calculated based on factors such as product type, inventory levels, and shipping destination. These estimated ship dates are estimations only and are not guaranteed.
If an item is in stock, it will usually ship the next business day. If an item is not in stock, you may refer to the ship date as an estimated timeframe in which your order may ship. We process every order with the utmost speed and efficiency, but lead times may vary from the estimated ship dates shown. Please note that custom/specialty products, or products on backorder, can take up to several weeks to arrive.
Feel free to contact us to verify the estimated lead time and delivery date for individual products before placing an order.
Free Shipping (7-day transit time)
Free Standard Shipping will automatically be applied at checkout. All costs associated with taxes, customs, and export licenses are covered by Stellar. We reserve the right to end this promotion at any time without notice.
Express Shipping (2-day transit time)
If you would like to expedite your order, you can select Express Shipping at checkout. This option will incur an additional cost as calculated during checkout.
Delivery Outside our Standard Shipping Zone

For orders shipping to a country outside our standard shipping zone, please contact us for a custom shipping quote.
Product Inspections
We hope that your order arrives safely and that you are satisfied with your purchase. However, please remember that when the order arrives it is your responsibility to ensure that the product has not been damaged during shipping by the freight company. Inspect the box for external damage, remove the packaging and inspect the contents for any physical damage in the presence of the delivery driver. If there is any damage, visible or not, you must indicate such on the delivery receipt. When you sign the delivery ticket and do not note any damage, the unit becomes your property.
Again, please take the time to inspect the delivery and if there is any damage be sure to note it on the delivery ticket. If the damage is severe enough to render the product inoperable or unusable, please refuse the shipment and contact us immediately.